Thursday, March 6, 2008

Shhh...It's A Secret

During a visit to my favorite spa last week, I finally asked Shia, my esthetician, what she does to make her lashes so long and thick. Now let me just say, Shia is a beautiful young woman with flawless skin and a sparkling personality and manages to keep me so engrossed in her dating woes that I forget about the excruciating pain of my monthly bikini wax. Yes, her stories are that riveting, but I digress...Shia's lashes are such you'd swear they were fake. Her secret: RevitaLash! Yes it's a bit pricey, but if my lashes will look anything remotely like her's, I just may have to invest. Just apply to the lash line before bed and in a few weeks your flirtatious glances could get that much more powerful.

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